Restructuring for Impact is a project that began in 2019 as one of UiTM's main initiatives under Strategic Thrust 3: Value-Driven Performance of UiTM's 2025 Strategic Blueprint. More specifically, this project seeks to achieve Strategic Theme 7 of UiTM's 2025 Strategic Blueprint, which is achieving Agile Governance via 'establishing a superstructure organisation through the merging of faculties, based on clusters'. This project revolves around the restructuring of all faculties and academic centres of UiTM into 10 Colleges with the goal of:
- Ranking within the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) Ranking’s top 100 best universities in the field of science, technology, humanities, and entrepreneurship.
- Always remaining relevant and credible.
- Forming a more holistic synergy of knowledge, academic, research and innovation.
- Empower industrial networking towards national and international stages.
- Establishing a more agile governance.
In 2021, UiTM has established its first two (2) colleges which are [1] the College of Engineering [combination of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Faculty of Chemical Engineering], and [2] the College of Creative Arts [combination of the Faculty of Art and Design, Faculty of Film, Theatre and Animation, and Faculty of Music].
Of the two (2) colleges, the College of Engineering is now currently in full swing, led by the Assistant Vice Chancellor (College of Engineering), who is assisted by the four (4) deans of Academic; Student Affairs; Research and Innovation; and Industrial, Community and Alumni Network.

A. |
Maklumat Umum Penstrukturan Berimpak |
1. |
Apakah penstrukturan fakulti di UiTM? |
Penstrukturan semula fakulti di UiTM bermaksud penggabungan dua (2) atau lebih fakulti daripada gugusan sama dengan mengembelingkan tenaga dan kepakaran staf secara sistematik dan tersusun di bawah satu entiti akademik yang dinamakan Kolej Pengajian. |
Usaha penstrukturan ini dilaksanakan bagi memastikan Universiti kekal relevan dan berkredibiliti dan bertujuan membentuk sinergi ekosistem antara ilmu, akademik, penyelidikan, dan inovasi yang lebih holistik, mengupaya jaringan industri ke peringkat kebangsaan dan antarabangsa, dan mewujudkan tadbir urus yang lebih tangkas ke arah melahirkan graduan masa hadapan yang dinamik, kreatif, inovatif, berdaya saing, bercirikan keusahawanan, mempunyai nilai kemanusiaan dan kepelbagaian kemahiran, dan mampu mencipta pekerjaan baharu. |
2. |
Mengapa penstrukturan fakulti? |
Penstrukturan semula fakulti adalah signifikan bagi melengkapkan staf dan pelajar untuk mendepani cabaran Revolusi Industri 4.0, membentuk sinergi yang berkesan antara staf akademik dan pentadbiran dalam memastikan keberhasilan pengajaran dan pembelajaran, penyelidikan, dan inovasi berimpak merentas pelbagai disiplin ilmu, menyediakan graduan dalam menghadapi landskap pekerjaan di masa hadapan, dan mengoptimumkan penggunaan sumber dengan lebih cekap dan efisien. |
3. |
Apakah faedah utama yang terhasil daripada penstrukturan fakulti? |
a. |
Terhasilnya program akademik dan aktiviti penyelidikan dan penerbitan berimpak dalam pelbagai disiplin ilmu melalui penciptaan bukan peluang (by design, not chance). |
b. |
Pihak industri menerima baik penubuhan kolej pengajian dalam usaha melahirkan multi-talented dan future proof graduates. |
c. |
Perkongsian kepakaran dan gunasama sumber dan fasiliti dengan lebih efektif dan efisien. |
d. |
Strukur tadbir urus kolej pengajian lebih leper dan kejat dengan had kuasa pentadbiran yang jelas untuk mengurangkan lapisan hierarki, birokrasi, dan pelaporan, mengurangkan pertindihan fungsi antara bahagian / unit, mempercepatkan proses pelaksanaan keputusan, dan meningkatkan keberkesanan penyampaian perkhidmatan kepada semua pemegang taruh. |
e. |
Peningkatan pengalaman pembelajaran dan kepelbagaian kemahiran serta kebolehpasaran pelajar dengan mengambil kursus dalam bidang pengajian yang berbeza. |
f. |
Menyumbang secara signifikan kepada peningkatan ketara ketampakan UiTM dalam penarafan QS World University Ranking dan QS World University Rankings by Subject. |
4. |
Adakah bidang-bidang yang dihasilkan oleh fakulti-fakulti sedia ada akan hilang melalui penstrukturan ini? |
Tidak sama sekali. Bidang-bidang fakulti sedia ada akan diperkasakan daripada bidang tunggal (single disciplinary) kepada (multi / inter / transdisciplinari) untuk menghasilkan graduan yang kalis masa hadapan dengan kepelbagaian ilmu dan kemahiran baharu dalam menghadapi cabaran masa kini serta mampu mencipta peluang pekerjaan. Sila layari laman sesawang berikut untuk melihat senarai program akademik merentas bidang yang futuristik dan berdaya saing ditawarkan oleh universiti-universiti terkemuka dunia: |
a. |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( |
b. |
The University of Cambridge ( |
c. |
Harvard University ( |
5. |
Apakah peranan utama Penolong Naib Canselor yang menerajui sesebuah kolej pengajian? |
Penolong Naib Canselor (Assistant Vice-Chancellor) merupakan pentadbir utama kolej pengajian yang bertanggungjawab: |
6. |
Apakah peranan utama Dekan-Dekan yang membantu Penolong Naib Canselor sesebuah kolej pengajian? |
Empat (4) dekan yang mentadbir hal ehwal akademik, penyelidikan dan inovasi, jaringan industri, dan pelajar adalah bertanggungjawab dalam membentuk sinergi yang holistik dalam merangka hala tuju strategik, dasar, dan memacu pelaksanaan aktiviti-aktiviti berkenaan melalui penghasilan program akademik bersifat multi disiplin yang berkualiti tinggi dan berinovatif, peningkatan aktiviti penyelidikan, penerbitan berimpak tinggi, dan pengkomersilan hasil inovasi ke peringkat lebih tinggi, peningkatan kemahiran insaniah dan kepimpinan pelajar yang mempunyai nilai-nilai kemanusiaan untuk memupuk integrasi dan perpaduan nasional, serta pembudayaan hubungan erat dan kerjasama strategik di antara kolej pengajian-industri-komuniti-alumni untuk meningkatkan kebolehpasaran pelajar dan aktiviti penjanaan pendapatan universiti (Punca Kuasa: LPU Ke-175 / 2020). |
7. |
Apakah tanggungjawab Ketua Pengajian yang mentadbir pusat pengajian bawah kolej pengajian? |
Ketua Pengajian yang diwujudkan mengikut bilangan fakulti atau bidang tujahan kolej pengajian adalah bertanggungjawab dalam melaksanakan pembangunan dan pengembangan bidang dan kurikulum merentas bidang pengajian dan pengurusan program akademik sedia ada dan baharu yang bersifat multi disiplin, fleksibel, dan futuristik bagi membolehkan kolej pengajian menjalankan fungsi / objektif kualiti / petunjuk prestasi (KPI / PI) ditetapkan dengan cekap dan berkesan (Punca Kuasa: MEU Bil. 24 / 2021). |
8. |
Kepada siapakah staf akademik (pensyarah) akan melapor? |
Staf akademik (pensyarah) boleh melapor secara terus kepada Penolong Naib Canselor berkenaan urusan pembangunan kerjaya dan kebajikan mereka. Walau bagaimanapun, mereka masih perlu melapor kepada Koordinator Bidang dan Ketua Pengajian masing-masing berkenaan urusan akademik seperti pengajaran dan pembelajaran, pentaksiran dan penilaian dan sebagainya berkaitan program pengajian yang dijalankan bawah pusat pengajian. |
9. |
Siapakah yang akan hadir ke Mesyuarat Dekan-Dekan Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam (IPTA)? |
Dekan (Akademik dan Antarabangsa) kolej pengajian akan hadir ke Mesyuarat Dekan-Dekan IPTA. |
10. |
Siapakah yang akan menganggotai Senat Universiti daripada kalangan pentadbir kolej pengajian? |
Penolong Naib Canselor akan dilantik menjadi Ahli Senat Universiti (Punca Kuasa: Seksyen 16A Akta UiTM 1976 (Akta 173) Pindaan 1996)). |
11. |
Apakah afiliasi terkini pentadbir dan pensyarah yang ditindikkan kepada kolej pengajian? |
Sebagai contoh: |
a. |
Staf yang memegang jawatan pengurusan kolej pengajian: |
Prof. Ir. Dr. Muhammad Azmi bin Ayub Dekan (Akademik dan Antarabangsa) Kolej Pengajian Kejuruteraan Universiti Teknologi MARA Shah Alam, Selangor |
b. |
Staf akademik kolej pengajian: |
Ir. Dr. Sulaiman bin Hasim Pensyarah Kanan Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Awam Kolej Pengajian Kejuruteraan Universiti Teknologi MARA Shah Alam, Selangor |
c. |
Staf akademik UiTM Cawangan: |
Ts. Mohamed Syazwan bin Osman Pensyarah Kanan Pengajian Kejuruteraan Kimia Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Pulau Pinang Kampus Permatang Pauh |
B. |
Perancangan Program Akademik Multi / Trans / Inter Disiplin & Pengurusan Hal Ehwal Kurikulum |
1. |
Adakah proses pembangunan program akademik akan berubah? |
Tidak. Proses pembangunan program akademik kekal seperti sedia ada. |
2. |
Adakah perancangan program akademik baharu perlu mempunyai elemen multi / trans / inter disiplin? |
Ya. Perancangan program akademik baharu perlu mempertimbangkan keperluan bidang atau kemahiran yang bercirikan multi / trans / inter disiplin. |
3. |
Adakah program-program sedia ada perlu dijumudkan atau disemak semula untuk memberi laluan kepada program baru yang bercirikan multi / trans / inter disiplin? |
Tidak. Program-program sedia ada boleh dikekalkan. |
C. |
Perancangan Penyelidikan Multi / Trans / Inter Disiplin & Pengurusan Hal Ehwal Penyelidikan |
1. |
Bagaimanakah kedudukan Kumpulan Inisiatif Penyelidikan (Research Initiative Group - RIG)? |
RIG merupakan kumpulan penyelidik yang ditubuhkan dan menjalankan penyelidikan / perkhidmatan dalam salah satu bidang tujahan ReNeU yang dipilih. RIG dipimpin oleh seorang Ketua dan dibawah tadbir urus Kolej berdasarkan Garis Panduan Entiti Kecemerlangan (EK) UiTM. |
2. |
Apakah syarat-syarat untuk penubuhan Kumpulan Inisiatif Penyelidikan (Research Initiative Group (RIG))? |
Pertama, Pemohon / Ketua EK adalah WAJIB membuat pembentangan di Jawatankuasa Penyelidikan Kolej berkenaan permohonan penubuhan EK serta disokong penubuhan EK tertakluk kepada kriteria penubuhan RIG seperti dalam Garis Panduan EK UiTM. Seterusnya, permohonan penubuhan RIG yang telah disokong oleh Jawatankuasa Penyelidikan Kolej akan disyorkan oleh Jawatankuasa Kecil Entiti Kecemerlangan (JKEK) dan diluluskan oleh Jawatankuasa Entiti Kecemerlangan (JEK) dibawah Pejabat TNCPI. Kelulusan ini seterusnya akan dimaklumkan di dalam Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Induk Penyelidikan Universiti (JKIPU). |
3. |
Berapakan keahlian yang dibenarkan untuk setiap kategori Entiti Kecemerlangan bagi seorang staf akademik? |
Setiap staf akademik dibenarkan menjadi ahli tetap / felo tetap kepada satu RG / RIG / CoE / HICoE sahaja sama ada sebagai ketua atau ahli / felo. Felo Tetap HICoE dan CoE tidak dibenarkan menjadi Ketua atau ahli tetap RG dan RIG. Walau bagaimanapun dibenarkan untuk menjadi ahli bersekutu RG dan RIG. |
4. |
Bagaimana kaedah untuk memohon naiktaraf dari Kumpulan Inisiatif Penyelidikan (RIG) kepada Kumpuan Penyelidikan (RG)? |
RIG yang berjaya mencapai sasaran yang ditetapkan layak dipertimbangkan untuk dinaiktaraf sebagai RG berdasarkan audit yang akan dilakukan bagi permohonan untuk dinaik taraf mengikut kriteria Instrumen Penilaian HICoE. RIG yang layak untuk dinaik taraf sebagai RG akan dikemukakan dalam Mesyuarat JEK untuk sokongan. Seterusnya dimajukan ke JKIPU untuk pengesyoran dan kelulusan Senat. |
5. |
Bagaimanakan pelantikan Ketua, ahli tetap dan ahli bersekutu RIG dilakukan? |
Ketua, ahli tetap, dan ahli bersekutu RIG dilantik oleh Penolong Naib Canselor Kolej Pengajian setelah penubuhan RIG tersebut diluluskan oleh JK Penyelidikan Kolej Pengajian. |
D. |
Pengurusan Hal Ehwal Jaringan lndustri, Komuniti & Alumni |
1. |
Adakah program bersama industri terkesan dengan penstrukturan fakulti? |
Program bersama industri tidak akan terkesan kerana ianya melibatkan kepakaran dan pengisian yang berbeza. |
2. |
Apakah status alumni fakulti yang telah digabungkan? |
Penggabungan tidak melibatkan pertukaran nama alumni. Status alumni masih lagi mengikut fakulti asal. Contohnya, alumni Fakulti Kejuruteraan Awam UiTM. |
3. |
Adakah data alumni fakulti terdahulu akan berubah setelah penstrukturan fakulti? |
Tidak. Sistem merekod data berdasarkan maklumat graduan bergraduat pada tahun mereka bergraduat. Contohnya, jika mereka sebelum ini graduan Fakulti Kejuruteraan Awam, mereka akan kekal sebagai alumni Fakulti Kejuruteraan Awam. Kelak, pelajar bergraduat di bawah Kolej Pengajian Kejuruteraan akan dikenalpasti sebagai alumni Kolej Pengajian Kejuruteraan. |
E. |
Pengurusan Hal Ehwal Pelajar |
1. |
Bagaimana dengan pencalonan pelajar untuk Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP) kelak setelah berlaku penstrukturan fakulti dalam sistem pemilihan wakil MPP? |
Perubahan kepada sistem adalah bergantung kepada polisi Bahagian Hal Ehwal Pelajar (BHEP). Mohon Dekan (Hal Ehwal Pelajar) kolej pengajian merujuk kepada BHEP untuk maklumat lanjut. |
F. |
Pengurusan Penempatan / Agihan Staf Pentadbiran di Kolej Pengajian |
1. |
Adakah staf di bawah fakulti-fakulti yang digabungkan akan kekal berada di bawah kolej pengajian? |
Jawatankuasa induk melalui Pejabat Pendaftar telah / akan membuat penyusunan semula bilangan staf mengikut skop dan bidang yang diluluskan berdasarkan carta organisasi / struktur asas. Terdapat jawatan-jawatan yang melebihi norma yang telah / akan diagihkan keluar ke PTJ lain untuk tindakan Pejabat Pendaftar. Berdasarkan kepada bilangan staf yang telah diagihkan untuk kolej pengajian tadi, Ketua Pentadbiran kolej pengajian dan Penolong Naib Canselor akan membuat susunan penyandang sedia ada. |
2. |
Adakah bilangan perjawatan ini akan disemak semula? |
Ya. Sebagaimana ditetapkan oleh Jawatankuasa induk, setelah setahun kolej pengajian beroperasi, pasukan semakan akan membuat semakan pengoptimuman sumber manusia. Sekiranya semasa semakan didapati terdapat lebihan sumber manusia, penyandang tersebut akan diagihkan ke PTJ lain yang mempunyai keperluan kritikal. |
3. |
Adakah permohonan perjawatan baharu boleh dibuat untuk kolej pengajian? |
Permohonan boleh dibuat melalui permohonan jawatan baharu yang biasa dibuat dalam Anggaran Belanja Mengurus (ABM) Tahunan dengan menggunakan panduan seperti di pautan: |
4. |
Adakah surat pertukaran akan dikeluarkan kepada penyandang sedia ada apabila berlakunya penstrukturan fakulti? |
Ya; surat pertukaran akan dikeluarkan oleh Pejabat Pendaftar mengikut tarikh kuat kuasa yang ditetapkan oleh Jawatankuasa Induk. Penempatan penyandang dalam sistem pengurusan sumber manusia juga akan dikemaskini. Tarikh kuat kuasa ini akan disemak dengan Bahagian Hal Ehwal Akademik bagi mengelakkan masalah akses sistem-sistem bagi penyandang yang terlibat. |
5. |
Adakah penyandang sedia ada di kolej pengajian boleh memohon pertukaran? |
Permohonan pertukaran adalah tidak digalakkan dalam tempoh sehingga setahun operasi penstrukturan fakulti bagi memastikan operasi kolej pengajian berjalan dengan lancar. |
G. |
Pengurusan Hal Ehwal Jaringan lndustri, Komuniti & Alumni |
1. |
Bagaimanakah urusan kewangan kolej pengajian? |
Urusan kewangan kolej pengajian adalah di bawah Unit Kewangan Zon / Kampus yang telah ditentukan. Pusat Kos Baru bagi kolej pengajian akan diwujudkan. |
2. |
Bagaimana peruntukan kewangan bagi perbelanjaan operasi kolej pengajian? |
Peruntukan kewangan bagi perbelanjaan operasi kolej pengajian adalah menggunakan peruntukan pengurusan sedia ada. Peruntukan dari fakulti yang terlibat dengan penstrukturan; akan disatukan sebagai peruntukan kolej pengajian. |
3. |
Siapakah yang bertanggungjawab dalam meluluskan perbelanjaan? |
Penolong Naib Canselor merupakan Ketua Pusat Tanggungjawab (KPTJ) yang diberi kuasa untuk meluluskan perbelanjaan. |
H. |
Pengurusan Pengautomasian Proses di Kolej Pengajian |
1. |
Sekiranya terdapat perubahan PTJ susulan penstrukturan fakulti, adakah ia akan memberi kesan kepada akses pengguna dan data sedia ada (proses penyediaan / semakan / kelulusan) dalam Sistem STARS dan HR2U? |
Jika terdapat perubahan nama PTJ dan penggabungan PTJ dalam penstrukturan ini, ia akan memberi kesan kepada akses pengguna dan data sedia ada (proses penyediaan / semakan / kelulusan) dalam Sistem STARS dan HR2U termasuk Kumpulan Cuti, Penilaian Prestasi dan lain-lain. Sila berhubung dengan Moderator masing-masing untuk maklumat terkini termasuk nama PTJ, nama moderator dan nama PPP dan PPK. Sila berhubung juga dengan Bahagian Pembangunan Organisasi (BPO), Pejabat Pendaftar untuk sebarang pertanyaan susulan dengan die-melkan pertanyaan kepada Encik Azanizam Ismail ( |
2. |
Sekiranya terdapat perubahan PTJ susulan penstrukturan fakulti, adakah ia akan memberi kesan kepada akses pengguna dan data sedia ada (proses penyediaan / semakan / kelulusan) dalam Portal Kewangan dan FineProcurementPlus? |
Jika terdapat perubahan nama PTJ dan penggabungan PTJ dalam penstrukturan ini, ia akan memberi kesan kepada akses pengguna dan data sedia ada (proses penyediaan / semakan / kelulusan) dalam Portal Kewangan dan FineProcurementPlus. Sila berhubung dengan Moderator masing-masing untuk maklumat terkini termasuk nama PTJ dan nama moderator. Sila berhubung juga dengan Jabatan Pengurusan Akaun dan Sistem Kewangan (JPASK), Pejabat Bendahari dengan die-melkan pertanyaan kepada Encik Mohd Khairul Izwan Mohd J. Makir ( berkaitan Portal Kewangan manakala untuk FineProcurementPlus boleh die-melkan kepada Encik Mohd Zaffur Azahar Nazri ( |
3. |
Sekiranya terdapat perubahan PTJ susulan penstrukturan kolej pengajian, adakah ia akan memberi kesan kepada akses pengguna dan rekod sedia ada dalam Sistem FMS? |
Jika terdapat perubahan nama PTJ dan penggabungan PTJ dalam penstrukturan ini, ia akan memberi kesan kepada rekod sedia ada berkaitan fasiliti dan pembangunan dalam Sistem FMS termasuk maklumat ruang (pemilik ruang), projek dan lain-lain. Sila berhubung dengan Bahagian Dasar, Jabatan Infrastruktur, PPII untuk sebarang pertanyaan susulan berkaitan dengan die-melkan pertanyaan kepada Sr. Mohd Hanafi Moghni ( |
4. |
Adakah staf di kolej pengajian perlu menukar kad staf sedia ada memandangkan fakulti-fakulti telah bergabung? |
Tidak perlu kerana maklumat staf di cetakan kad sedia ada tidak memaparkan nama fakulti. |
5. |
Bagaimana penstrukturan kumpulan e-mel sedia ada dalam fakulti-fakulti yang bergabung?; adakah boleh dikekalkan atau menggunakan satu (1) kumpulan untuk kolej pengajian? |
Kumpulan e-mel sedia ada boleh dikekalkan sehingga ada satu ketetapan / arahan daripada pihak Kolej Pengajian untuk menghalang sebarang penggunaan e-mel mengikut PTJ lama bagi hebahan kepada staf dan pelajar UiTM. Walau bagaimanapun, kumpulan e-mel di bawah nama Kolej Pengajian baharu iaitu Kolej Pengajian Kejuruteraan (KPK) telah diwujudkan seperti berikut: |
a. |
Kolej Pengajian Kejuruteraan: |
b. |
Pensyarah Kolej Pengajian Kejuruteraan: |
c. |
Pentadbiran Kolej Pengajian Kejuruteraan: |
6. |
Adakah role access di dalam sistem-sistem sedia ada seperti Booking System University ( dan sistem pengurusan kenderaan ( perlu dikemaskini kepada PTJ yang baharu? |
Ya. Perlu kerana penggabungan fakulti-fakulti memberi kesan akses staf sedia ada terhadap sistem-sistem yang dinyatakan kerana perlu di daftarkan di bawah PTJ yang baharu. |
7. |
Adakah nama fakulti lama boleh digunakan untuk akaun Webex sedia ada? |
Boleh. |
8. |
Adakah laman web sedia ada di fakulti lama perlu diganti dengan laman web baharu untuk kolej pengajian? |
Ya. Laman web yang baharu perlu diwujudkan untuk kolej pengajian tetapi laman web fakulti lama dikekalkan sehingga ketetapan / arahan daripada pihak kolej pengajian. |
9. |
Adakah sistem berkaitan automasi pejabat telah dibangunkan oleh Jabatan Infostruktur? |
Ya. Jabatan Infostruktur telah membangunkan beberapa sistem untuk automasi pejabat yang boleh diperluaskan kepada semua PTJ untuk digunakan. Di antaranya adalah Sistem Letter Tracking, e-mesyuarat, Sistem Tempahan Universiti. |
10. |
Bagaimanakah prosedur untuk pihak kolej pengajian menggunakan Sistem Letter Tracking? |
Pihak kolej pengajian boleh memohon menerusi email rasmi Universiti kepada Pengarah Pengurusan ICT atau Ketua Bahagian Operasi ICT Jabatan Infostruktur. |
11. |
Bolehkah saya mendapatkan data rasmi seperti data pelajar jika diperlukan untuk kegunaan pengurusan kolej pengajian secara terus daripada Jabatan Infostruktur? |
Tidak boleh. Mohon dapatkan kebenaran dengan pihak pemilik data seterusnya berurusan dengan pihak BTU. Untuk makluman, pengeluaran data rasmi universiti boleh dimohon dengan pihak BTU. Pihak BTU adalah Jabatan yang bertanggungjawab mengeluarkan data dan maklumat rasmi Universiti sejajar dengan Dasar Pengurusan Maklumat UiTM 2020. |
12. |
Bolehkah kolej pengajian memohon untuk sesuatu sistem itu ditambahbaik? |
Boleh. Kolej pengajian perlu membuat permohonan penambahbaikan sistem kepada pemilik sistem / proses. Pemilik sistem / proses akan berbincang dengan pihak Jabatan Infostruktur kesesuaian penambahbaikan tersebut untuk dilaksanakan. |
13. |
Bolehkah kolej pengajian menggunakan perkhidmatan pangkalan data di Jabatan Infostruktur untuk pembangunan sistem baharu? |
Boleh. Kolej pengajian boleh memohon kepada Ketua Bahagian Sistem Maklumat Jabatan Infostruktur. Walaubagaimanapun, pastikan permohonan sistem tersebut telah diluluskan oleh Jawatankuasa Sistem dan Aplikasi Universiti (JKSAU). |
14. |
Adakah kolej pengajian perlu membuat permohonan untuk membangunkan sebarang sistem baharu? |
Ya. Kolej pengajian boleh membuat permohonan pembangunan sistem baharu sama ada pembangunan secara dalaman atau penyumberan luar kepada Jawatankuasa Sistem Dan Aplikasi Universiti untuk kelulusan. |
15. |
Adakah penstrukturan fakulti kepada kolej pengajian akan memberi kesan kepada akses sistem? |
Ya. Walau bagaimanapun, proses penambahbaikan ini akan dilaksanakan oleh teknikal bagi membolehkan pengguna akses sistem seperti biasa. |
16. |
Adakah penstrukturan fakulti akan menyebabkan proses sistem berubah? |
Tidak. Tiada perubahan proses berlaku kecuali polisi tadbir urus yang mungkin memberikan impak kepada akses dan peranan pengguna sedia ada kepada sistem. |
17. |
Bagaimanakah prosedur jika kolej pengajian ingin membuat integrasi sistem sedia ada dengan sistem perdana universiti? |
Kolej pengajian perlu mendapatkan kebenaran terlebih dahulu dengan pemilik data dan sistem perdana universiti secara bertulis. Setelah kebenaran diperolehi, boleh dimajukan kepada Ketua Bahagian Sistem Maklumat untuk proses selanjutnya. |
A. |
General Information About Restructuring for Impact |
1. |
What is a faculty restructuring at UiTM? |
Faculty restructuring at UiTM means the merging of two or more faculties from the same cluster by mobilizing workforce and expertise systematically and organizing them under one academic entity called a "College" to remain relevant and credible, aiming at creating synergies between knowledge, academia, research and more holistic innovation, thus enabling industrial networking at the national and international levels, and creating more agile governance towards producing future graduates who are dynamic, creative, innovative, competitive, entrepreneurial, possess humanitarian values and a diversity of skills, as well as capable of creating new jobs. |
2. |
Why faculty restructuring? |
Faculty restructuring is significant in equipping staff and students to meet the challenges of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, creating effective synergies between academic and administrative staff in ensuring the success of teaching, learning, research and innovation impact across multiple disciplines, preparing graduates for the future job landscape and optimizing the use of resources more efficiently and effectively. |
3. |
What are the main benefits that result from faculty restructuring? |
a. |
Results in impactful academic programmes, research and publications across various disciplines of knowledge through creations by design, not by chance. |
b. |
The industry welcomes the establishment of Colleges in the effort to produce multi-talented & future-proof graduates. |
c. |
Expertise, resources and facilities sharing that are more effectively and efficiently. |
d. |
The governance structure of Colleges is smoother and sturdier with clear administrative boundaries to reduce hierarchical, bureaucratic and reporting layers, reduce functional duplication between divisions / units, speed up decision implementation processes and improve the effectiveness of service delivery to all stakeholders. |
e. |
An improved learning experience and diversity of skills and marketability of students by undergoing courses in different fields of study. |
f. |
Contributes notably to the significant increase in UiTM’s visibility in the QS World University Rankings and QS World University Rankings by Subject. |
4. |
Will the fields offered by the existing faculties disappear through restructuring? |
Not at all. Existing faculty fields will be strengthened from single disciplinary to multi / inter / trans-disciplinary to produce future-proof graduates with a diversity of new knowledge and skills in facing today's challenges and are able to create employment opportunities. Please visit the following website to see a list of futuristic and competitive cross-disciplinary academic programmes offered by the world's leading universities: |
a. |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( |
b. |
The University of Cambridge ( |
c. |
Harvard University ( |
5. |
What are the main roles of the Assistant Vice-Chancellor who leads a College? |
The Assistant Vice-Chancellor is the principal administrator of the College who is responsible for: |
6. |
What are the main roles of the Deans who assist the Assistant Vice-Chancellor of a College? |
The four deans who administer academic, research and innovation, industrial networking, and students affairs are responsible for forming holistic synergies in formulating strategic directions and policies, and driving the implementation of such activities through the production of high quality and innovative multi-disciplinary academic programmes, increase of research activities, impactful publications and commercialization of innovation outcomes to a higher level, enhancement of soft skills and leadership of students with humanitarian values to foster national integration and unity, as well as cultivating close ties and strategic cooperation between college-industry-community-alumni to increase student marketability and university income-generating activities [Source of Authority: 175th LPU (2020)]. |
7. |
What are the responsibilities of the Head of School who administers the school under a College? |
The position of the Head of School created according to the number of faculties or thrust areas of the College is responsible for implementing the development and expansion of fields and curricula across fields of study and the management of existing and new academic programmes that are multi-disciplinary, flexible and futuristic to enable the College to carry out its established functions / objectives and quality / performance indicators (KPI / PI) efficiently and effectively [Source of Authority: MEU No. 24 (2021)]. |
8. |
To whom will the academic staff (lecturers) report? |
Academic staff (lecturers) can report directly to the Assistant Vice-Chancellor concerning their career development and welfare matters. However, they still need to report to the Field Coordinator and Head of School respectively on academic matters such as teaching and learning, assessment and evaluation and other matters related to study programmes conducted by the school. |
9. |
Who will attend the Meeting of the Deans of Public Institutions of Higher Learning (IPTA)? |
The Dean (Academic and International) of the College will attend the IPTA Meeting of the Deans. |
10. |
Who among the administrators of a College will be a member of the University Senate? |
The Assistant Vice-Chancellor will be appointed as a Member of the University Senate [Source of Authority: Section 16A of the UiTM Act 1976 (Act 173) Amendment 1996]. |
11. |
What are the latest affiliations of the administrators and lecturers at a College? |
For example: |
a. |
Staff holding College management positions: |
Prof. Ir. Dr. Muhammad Azmi bin Ayub Dean (Academic & International) College of Engineering Universiti Teknologi MARA Shah Alam, Selangor |
b. |
College academic staff: |
Ir. Dr. Sulaiman bin Hasim Senior Lecturer School of Civil Engineering College of Engineering Universiti Teknologi MARA Shah Alam, Selangor |
c. |
Academic staff of UiTM Branch: |
Ts. Mohamed Syazwan bin Osman Senior Lecturer Chemical Engineering Studies Universiti Teknologi MARA Penang Branch Permatang Pauh Campus |
B. |
Multi / Trans / Inter-Disciplinary Academic Programme Planning & Curriculum Affairs Management |
1. |
Will the academic programme development processes change? |
No, the academic programme development processes remain the same. |
2. |
Does the planning of a new academic programme need to have multi / trans / inter-disciplinary elements? |
Yes, the planning of new academic programmes needs to consider the needs of fields or skills that are multi / trans / inter-disciplinary. |
3. |
Do existing programmes need to be redesigned or revised to make way for new multi / trans / inter-disciplinary programmes? |
No, existing programs can be maintained. |
C. |
Multi / Trans / Inter-Disciplinary Research Planning & Research Affairs Management |
1. |
What is the position of a Research Initiative Group (RIG)? |
RIG is a group of researchers established for conducting research / services in one of the selected ReNeU thrust areas. RIG is led by a Head and governed by the College based on the UiTM Entity of Excellence (EK) Guidelines. |
2. |
What are the requirements for the establishment of a Research Initiative Group (RIG)? |
First, the Applicant / Head of EK MUST make a presentation at the College Research Committee regarding the application for the establishment of EK and show that the establishment of the EK is subjected to the criteria for the establishment of RIG as in the UiTM EK Guidelines. Subsequently, the RIG establishment application that has been supported by the College Research Committee will be recommended by the Entity of Excellence Sub-Committee (JKEK) and approved by the Entity of Excellence Committee (JEK) of the TNCPI Office. This approval will then be announced at the University Research Steering Committee (JKIPU) Meeting. |
3. |
How many memberships are allowed for each category of Entity of Excellence per academic staff? |
Each academic staff is allowed to be a permanent member / permanent fellow to one RG / RIG / CoE / HICoE only, either as the head or a member / fellow. HICoE and CoE Permanent Fellows are not allowed to be the Head or a permanent member of an RG or RIG. However, they are allowed to be an associate member of an RG or RIG. |
4. |
What is the method to apply for an upgrade from Research Initiative Group (RIG) to Research Group (RG)? |
RIGs that successfully achieve the established targets are eligible to be considered for an upgrade to an RG based on the audit to be conducted for applications for an upgrade in accordance with the criteria of the HICoE Assessment Instrument. RIGs eligible to be upgraded to an RG will be presented at the JEK Meeting for deliberation. Subsequently, the application will be forwarded to JKIPU for Senate recommendation and approval. |
5. |
How are the appointments of the Head, permanent members and associate members of an RIG conducted? |
The head, permanent members and associate members of an RIG are appointed by the College Assistant Vice-Chancellor after the establishment of that RIG is approved by the College Research Committee. |
D. |
Industry, Community & Alumni Network Affairs Management |
1. |
Are industry-academia joint programmes impacted by faculty restructuring? |
Industry-academia joint programmes will not be affected as they involve different expertise and contents. |
2. |
What is the status of the faculty alumni that have been merged? |
The merger does not involve a change of alumni name. The alumni status will still follow the original faculty. For example, alumni of the Faculty of Civil Engineering UiTM. |
3. |
Will previous faculty alumni data change after faculty restructuring? |
No, the system records data based on the information of graduates in the year they graduated. For example, if they were previously graduates of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, they will remain alumni of the Faculty of Civil Engineering. In the future, students graduating from the College of Engineering will be identified as alumni of the College of Engineering. |
E. |
Student Affairs Management |
1. |
What about the future nomination of students for the Student Representative Council (SRC) after the faculty restructuring in the SRC representative selection system? |
Changes to the system are dependent on the policies of the Student Affairs Division (BHEP). The College Dean (Student Affairs) is to refer to BHEP for more information. |
F. |
Pengurusan Penempatan / Agihan Staf Pentadbiran di Kolej Pengajian |
1. |
Will staff under the merged faculties remain under the College? |
The Steering committee through the Registrar’s Office has / will reorganize the number of staff according to the approved scope and field based on the basic organizational chart / structure. Positions that exceed the norm that have been / will be delegated to other PTJs for action by the Registrar’s Office. Based on the number of staff that has been delegated for the College earlier, the College Head of Administration and the Assistant Vice-Chancellor will make the arrangement for the existing incumbents. |
2. |
Will this number of positions be reviewed? |
Yes, as determined by the Steering Committee, after one year of the College operation, the review team will conduct a human resource optimization review. If it is found that there is a surplus of human resources during the review, the surplus incumbents will be delegated to other PTJs that have critical needs. |
3. |
Can an application for a new position be made for a College? |
Applications can be made through the application for a new position, which is usually made in the Annual Operating Budget (ABM) by using the guidelines in the following link: |
4. |
Will a letter of exchange be issued to existing incumbents upon the occurrence of a faculty restructuring? |
Yes, a letter of exchange will be issued by the Registrar's Office in accordance with the effective date set by the Steering Committee. The placement of incumbents in the human resource management system will also be updated. This effective date will be checked with the Academic Affairs Division to avoid issues concerning access to the systems for the incumbents involved. |
5. |
Can an existing incumbent at a College apply for an exchange? |
Application for exchange is not encouraged within up to one year of the faculty restructuring operation to ensure the smooth operation of the College. |
G. |
Financial Management & College Cost Implications Analysis |
1. |
How are the financial affairs of the College handled? |
The financial affairs of the College are handled by the Zone / Campus Financial Unit that has been determined. New Cost Centre for the College will be established. |
2. |
How is the financial allocation for the operating expenses of the College? |
The financial allocation for the operating expenses of the College is using the existing management allocation. Allocation from the faculty involved with the restructuring; will be consolidated as a College provision. |
3. |
Who is responsible for approving expenses? |
The Assistant Vice-Chancellor is the Head of the Responsibility Centre (KPTJ) who is authorized to approve expenditures. |
H. |
Process Automation Management in Colleges |
1. |
If there is a change in PTJ following the faculty restructuring, will it affect user access and existing data (preparation / review / approval process) in the STARS and HR2U Systems? |
If there is a change of PTJ name and merger of PTJ in the restructuring, it will affect user access and existing data (preparation / review / approval processes) in the STARS and HR2U Systems, including Leave Group, Performance Appraisal and others. Please contact the respective Moderator for the latest information, including the name of the PTJ, the name of the moderator and the name of the PPP and PPK. Please also contact the Organization Development Division (BPO), Registrar's Office for any follow-up inquiries by emailing the inquiries to Mr. Azanizam Ismail ( |
2. |
If there is a change in PTJ following the faculty restructuring, will it affect user access and existing data (preparation / review / approval processes) in the Financial Portal and FineProcurementPlus? |
If there is a change of PTJ name and merger of PTJ in the restructuring, it will affect user access and existing data (preparation / review / approval processes) in the Financial Portal and FineProcurementPlus. Please contact the respective Moderator for the latest information, including the name of the PTJ and the name of the moderator. Please also contact the Department of Account Management and Financial System (JPASK), Treasurer's Office by emailing the inquiries to Mr. Mohd Khairul Izwan Mohd J. Makir ( regarding the Financial Portal and to Mr. Mohd Zaffur Azahar Nazri ( regarding the FineProcurementPlus. |
3. |
If there is a change in PTJ following the restructuring of the College, will it affect user access and existing records in the FM Systems? |
If there is a change of PTJ name and merger of PTJ in the restructuring, it will affect the existing records concerning facilities and development in the FM Systems, including space information (space owner), project and others. Please contact the Policy Division, Infrastructure Department, PPII for any follow-up inquiries by emailing the inquiries to Sr. Mohd Hanafi Moghni ( |
4. |
Do staff at the College need to change the existing staff card as the faculties have merged? |
Not necessary because the staff information on the existing card printout does not display the name of the faculty. |
5. |
How is the structure of existing email groups in merged faculties? Is it possible to maintain the existing group or use one (1) group for the College? |
The existing email group can be maintained until there is a ruling / instruction from the College to prevent any use of email belonging to the old PTJ for announcements to UiTM staff and students. However, a group of emails under the name of the new College, i.e., the College of Engineering (KPK) has been created as follows: |
a. |
College of Engineering: |
b. |
Lecturer of the College of Engineering: |
c. |
Administration of the College of Engineering: |
6. |
Does role access in existing systems such as the Booking System University ( and vehicle management system ( need to be updated to the new PTJ? |
Yes, it is necessary because the merger of faculties affects the existing staff's access to the systems mentioned since it needs to be registered under the new PTJ. |
7. |
Can the old faculty name be used for an existing Webex account? |
Yes. |
8. |
Does the existing website at the old faculty need to be replaced with a new website for the College? |
Yes, a new website needs to be created for the College but the old faculty website is maintained until any ruling / instruction from the College. |
9. |
Has the system related to office automation been developed by the Infostructure Department? |
Yes, The Infostructure Department has developed several systems for office automation that can be extended to all PTJs for use. Among them are Letter Tracking System, e-meetings and Booking System University. |
10. |
What is the procedure for a College to use the Letter Tracking System? |
The College can apply via the University’s official email to the Director of ICT Management or the Head of the ICT Operations Division of the Infostructure Department. |
11. |
Can I obtain official data such as student data, if required for college management use, directly from the Infostructure Department? |
No, you could not. Please request permission from the data owner and then deal with the BTU. For your information, the release of official university data can be requested with the BTU. The BTU is the Department responsible for releasing official data and information of the University in line with the UiTM Information Management Policy 2020. |
12. |
Can a College apply for an improved system? |
Yes, the College needs to submit a system improvement application to the system / process owner. The owner of the system / process will discuss with the Infostructure Department regarding the suitability of the improvement to be implemented. |
13. |
Can a College use the database services in the Infostructure Department for the development of new systems? |
Yes, the College can apply to the Head of the Information Systems Division of the Infostructure Department. However, ensure that the system application has been approved by the University Systems and Applications Committee (JKSAU). |
14. |
Does a College need to apply to develop any new systems? |
Yes, the College may submit its application for the development of new systems, either an in-house or outsourced development, to the University Systems and Applications Committee for approval. |
15. |
Will faculty restructuring to a College affect system access? |
Yes, however, improvement processes will be implemented by technicians to allow users to access the system as usual. |
16. |
Will faculty restructuring cause system processes to change? |
No, no process changes occur except for governance policies that may have an impact on existing user access and roles to the system. |
17. |
What is the procedure if a College wants to integrate the existing system with the university’s main system? |
The College needs to obtain prior permission from the owner of the data and the university’s main system in writing. Once permission is obtained, it can be forwarded to the Head of Information Systems Division for further processing. |
Contact Us For More Information:

Associate Professor Dr. Mohd Idzwan Mohd Salleh
Head of Academic Policy & Information Management
[Tel. No: 603-55438558]