Welcome to The Department of Academic and International of Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). As the biggest university in Malaysia, and one of the biggest in Asia, we face the challenge of upholding the academic quality of the whole network of campuses throughout Malaysia. UiTM produces the highest percentage of professional human capital for the nation and this duty requires undivided commitment from all citizens of this institution in nurturing our students to bloom academically and professionally so that when they graduate, they are able to catalyse and contribute to the rapid growth of the nation.
The Office of Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and International) holds the responsibility of ensuring the soundness of our academic programs as well as the robust, uniform and standardised academic delivery throughout the whole UiTM system across the nation. And to that effect, each unit within The Office of Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and International) has specific roles to play right from the point of student (our most important stakeholders) entry up till the point of their graduation encompassing all learning stages and processes in between.
It is our greatest honour to be the guardian of the academic heart of the university. We move as a cohesive unit to drive the academic excellence of UiTM and will continue to do so in our effort to produce the best human capital for the country in terms of quality and quantity.